I Can Read is Asia’s leading literacy provider. To date, we have known over 270,000 success stories in over 160 centres and school partnerships, spanning 15 global markets. Our success stems from utilising the findings from our founders’ 15 years of research into how children learn to read. The I Can Read system focuses on reading, but also provides students with the key listening, speaking and writing skills they need to be successful in primary school.


Developed by educational psychologists, the I Can Read system is student-centred and outcome-based, taught by qualified Reading Specialists using the specific I Can Read pedagogy. Our curriculum is designed to make lessons focused and fun. Teachers are able to work towards tangible outcomes and observe rapid, consistent progress in all of their students. The I Can Read approach provides all students with the essential literacy skills they will require as they progress in their education.

The I Can Read Discover programme is designed for younger students who are starting out on their learning journeys. The curriculum develops the essential, basic language skills that children need to acquire before they start to learn to read.

Pre-Reading Level 1 

This course is designed to guide the youngest of students towards early acquisition of essential English language and literacy skills. The learning outcomes are intended to be both academic and social. The course is designed so that each lesson is highly interactive amongst the students and teachers.

Lesson Focus: 
  • Developing listening skills - through story time, conversations and other classroom activities
  • Understanding the concept of sounds - through songs, nursery rhymes and phonological activities
  • Improving vocabulary - through engaging, theme-based classroom activities
  • Learning to speak confidently - guided by classroom conversations, dramatic play and Talk Time
  • Developing social skills - through classroom interactions
  • Developing fine-motor-skills - through pencil-grip activities

Pre-Reading Level 2

This course focuses on the development of oral communication skills. Students quickly develop their speaking ability by learning a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures in a natural context. In this course, students develop the awareness that each spoken word is a combination of smaller sounds. We call this ‘emerging phonemic awareness’. 

Lesson focus:
  • Enhancing listening skills - through story time, conversations and other classroom activities
  • Identifying first and last sounds in words - through engaging phonemic activities
  • Identifying the difference between words and syllables - through phonological activities
  • Expanding vocabulary - through engaging classroom activities
  • Improving confidence in public speaking - guided by classroom conversations, role-play activities and Talk Time
  • Enhancing social skills - through classroom interactions
  • Enhancing fine-motor-skills - through tracing, cutting and drawing activities

Pre-Reading Level 3

This is a foundation course for Reading Level 1. Students interact with the teacher in a series of fun activities. These activities are designed to teach important phonological skills that are essential to becoming an independent reader. 
  • Lesson focus:
    • Enhancing listening skills - through story time, conversations and other classroom activities
    • Identifying first, last and middle sounds in words - through engaging phonemic activities
    • Identifying the difference between words and syllables - through phonological activities
    • Learning oral blending - 2, 3 and 4 sounds
    • Learning oral segmenting - 2, 3 and 4-sound words
    • Learning phonics - by identifying and most common letter-sounds
    • Expanding vocabulary - through engaging classroom activities
    • Learning to speak in complete sentences - guided by conversations and public speaking
    • Developing handwriting skills - with specialised activities

    I Can Read is a 6-level programme that focuses on developing students into fluent, independent readers. The course follows our renowned system which teaches and reinforces one new sound at a time. The students are taught to decode words and identify sounds with the use of I Can Read’s proprietary diacritical marks. Eventually, students reduce their reliance on the diacritical marks until they are able to decode and read all familiar and unfamiliar words..

    Reading: Levels 1 to 3

    Reading Levels 1 to 3 focus on developing confident English readers and speakers. The course follows our unique methodology, which teaches and reinforces one new sound at a time using ICR’s proprietary coding system. Students are not only taught to read words, but also to understand entire stories to the point where they are able to recount them.

    Lesson focus:
    • Decoding words - using the ICR Screener and Code Card
    • Reading fluently - through ICR's unique coding system
    • Learning new vocabulary - by discussing word meanings
    • Answering comprehension questions - through class discussions
    • Speaking in complete sentences - by recounting stories
    • Learning to spell words - by focusing on specific sounds
    • Writing simple sentences - with guidance from the teacher

    Reading: Levels 4 to 6

    Reading Levels 1 to 3 focus on developing confident English readers and speakers. The course follows our unique methodology, which teaches and reinforces one new sound at a time using ICR’s proprietary coding system. Students are not only taught to read words, but also to understand entire stories to the point where they are able to recount them.

    Lesson focus:
    • Decoding words - with no reliance on the ICR Screener or Code Card
    • Reading fluently - with no reliance on the ICR's coding system
    • Learning new vocabulary - by discussing word meanings
    • Answering comprehension questions - through class discussions and by writing sentences
    • Speaking in complete sentences - by recounting and discussing stories
    • Learning to spell words - by focusing on specific sounds
    • Writing complex sentences - with guidance from the teacher
    • Learning grammar rules - through classroom activities